If you're in the process of moving out of state, you probably want to get in there as quickly as possible. However, before you hire the moving trucks, you'll need to make sure that everything is in order. There are a lot of things to consider when choosing the right time for a long-distance move. Here are three tips that will help you achieve a stress-free move.
Give Yourself a Window of Time
When people plan a long-distance move, they usually try to lock-in a moving date as soon as possible. However, that's a good way to end up with problems and stress. Now that you're planning a long-distance move, you should work towards locking in a moving window, instead of a specific date. Giving yourself a window of time will allow you to get flexible should the need arise, which can happen during a long-distance move. The weather is one issue that will benefit from having a moving window instead of a date. With a moving window, you can work around unexpected changes in the water that can interfere with cross-country moves.
Know Your Kids School Calendar
If you've got kids in school, you'll need to know their school calendars – the one's they're attending now and the ones they'll be attending. You don't want to schedule a move during the middle of a school term, if you can avoid it. Knowing the school calendars will ensure that your kids leave school and enter the other with the least amount of interruption to their education. For the least amount of interruption, try to schedule moves during the summer or around school breaks.
Pinpoint When Your Help is Available
If you're going to be moving cross-country, you're going to need lots of help. Even if you've decided to hire a moving company, you're still going to need help with the packing and the cleaning. You might even need to have help caring for your kids while you're packing and making the final moving arrangements. When you're making your plans, try to pinpoint when your help is available. The last thing you want to do is schedule your move when all your friends and family will be out of town. You might not be able to work your move around everyone's schedule, but try to work it around a few of them. That way you can get the help you need.
Don't let your cross-country move get bogged down with stress. Use the tips provided here to reduce the stress associated with long-distance moves.